Saturday, September 1, 2012

Diet Experiment Day 12: A Short Hiatus

I have made an executive decision. I’m going to take a couple of days break from the experiment before I dive into the next nutrition challenge.

Now, I’m not going to go off the rails. I’m still going to stay away from wheat and dairy and try to keep to the blended diet that I have been doing, I’m just not going to write about it. Mostly because I seem to be either at a plateau or just generally much improved and at a stable point, so not really much to report.

If something goes completely crazy between now and Monday, then I’ll definitely note it down!

So, a run down on how I did overall based on my original criteria.

I don’t feel crappy! To be honest, I haven’t felt crappy for over a week. I have to say that I was quite surprised at how quickly I went from feeling awful and having painful digestive issues to not having them. It was like I climbed out of this big hole and I have to say I’m really not looking to go back in again! (Hence why I will keep to most aspects of the blended diet.) It may not have been a miraculous turnaround, but it was pretty spectacular.

It’s amazing what not feeling crappy does for your energy and motivation. It allowed me to want to as well as be able to do some more exercise. That then improved my energy and motivation at the same time. Getting better quality sleep also helped, so I was even getting less sleep but feeling rested and ready to go.

Not much weight loss I have to say. The grand total was 3 pounds. However, because I am less bloated and have been working on strengthening my core as well as my legs, my posture is better and I think it looks like I lost more than that. It certainly feels like it. And, as it was low on my priority list, I’m not really upset about that.

As for immunity, I’m still not sick.

The most important improvement is my connection to my body. I have always been amazed by the human body on an intellectual level, and know about all the incredible things it can do. However, it pretty much stayed as mental concept. To pay such close attention to it and to be able to check in and feel the changes as I made adjustments was a bit of a revelation. To be sensitive to and aware of what was going on real time allowed me to fully appreciate it’s amazingness at the physical level rather than just as a mental concept.

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