Friday, August 31, 2012

Diet Experiment Day 11: Proper Prior Planning...

It was a bit of a weird day.

I realized this morning that there wasn’t a whole lot of food in the fridge. I had a mild panic as to what the heck I was going to eat. There I was, all ready to check to see what food would be good for me today only to find that it was actually more of a question of what food was there to eat at all. What made it even more exciting was, with back to back 90 minute clients, the earliest I would get to eat lunch was around 2:00pm.

Okay. So, it didn’t matter whether or not the eggs and rye bread are what I needed or not, they were what was available. They were also quite filling, and I knew that would be needed. There was a banana available, but it was on it’s last legs, and I didn’t even know if it would still be a solid by the time I got to work.

I also decided that, if I actually got time to eat, I should probably have something prepared. A scan of the cupboards produced some Tasty Bite Indian curry style stuff. (As an emergency, they aren’t too bad. The ingredients on the package are actual ingredients that you can find in your average kitchen, without the hassle of having to cook it.) The chickpea one looked good, so I had that. Then I needed some rice. I cooked up some rice, heated up the beans, put them together and pronounced it lunch. Another look through the fridge turned up some salad I didn’t finish and some beets. Perfect. 

I don’t know why I worried. I only had, maybe 5 bites of the curry and rice and 4 bites of the salad between clients.

Note to self: It would probably be a good idea to have some fairly healthy emergency type food available in case you forget to go shopping. It kind of defeats the purpose of a diet experiment if you don’t have the types of food you are trying to experiment with. Although it does bring up a good point. You can’t always be prepared. Sometimes life just gets on top you and you do something human, like forget to go shopping. I figure, as long as I don’t make that a habit and it is the exception rather than the rule, I should do okay.

Otherwise, weight stayed the same, I got out of bed okay and was fine about facing the day, so not too bad. 

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