Monday, August 27, 2012

Diet Experiment Day 7: How Do I Think I Have Done?

I am one week in now. It seems like much longer than that!

I managed to circumnavigate another temptation. This time it was homemade birthday cake and Kimball’s ice cream! One of my nephew’s had his 15th birthday party yesterday, and it really was all I could do to not have any. I don’t even have a sweet tooth! It was one of those unfortunate timing issues, because if I was at full strength, you could be sure that I would have had some of each! Birthday celebrations don’t happen every day. Hopefully that is it for the temptations for this week.

Because I am feeling a bit feistier, I am going to add a little bit of raw veg today. Not a huge amount, just some broccoli to snack on in case I get hungry. I figure that I have enough cooked stuff to balance it out.

I also switched my energy/aura work back to the morning. I was feeling so good the last 3 or 4 days that I decided to see if I would fall back to sleep or not. Good news! I didn’t fall back to sleep. I was still quite relaxed, though, and thought briefly about the fact that I haven’t really had a day off yet, but really wasn’t so tired or resentful that I couldn’t get out of bed with relative ease. I’ll call that a 3. I also lost a pound since yesterday. I’ll also call that a 3. Overall, I’ve lost about 1.5 pounds in a week. I may need to bump up my exercise.

So, improvement ratings for the first week:
Not feel crappy: 6
Have more energy; 6
Be more motivated: 5
Boost Immunity: ?
Lose some weight: 2

I’m going to have a bit more of a look regarding immunity. I haven’t really addressed it, mostly because I haven’t been sick, but maybe I need to talk about how different methods approach the subject of immunity. That will have to be another day as I need to do some reading up on that. 

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