Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Diet Experiment Day 9: Whole Foods Hi Jinks

Who knew you could have so much fun grocery shopping! 

Let me set the stage. In order for Steve to muscle/energy test my Spleen/Pancreas, I had to hold my arm down at my side, palm facing backwards so my thumb is touching my leg, with me holding what I want to test in the other hand. Steve then reaches in between my arm and side at the wrist and pulls, while I try to hold my thumb against my leg. If my arm comes away easily, (tests weak) then that food would interfere with the health of my Spleen/Pancreas. If there is good resistance, or he can’t budge it, (tests strong) my body says it’s okay.

The first thing I wanted to do was get a reading for something that has continually tested negatively to work as a control, so we know what it feels like in order to compare it to other things. (It’s not supposed to be a competition to determine who’s stronger, Steve or me, rather if I am strong or weak compared to myself.) Well, I tried to test with some bread in one of those hard plastic containers, but it gave a positive reading. That confused me, so I grabbed some cheese that had a light plastic covering. Steve lightly tugged my arm and my whole body was knocked off balance so I had to take a step or fall over! So that’s a “no”. (I’m assuming that the plastic around the bread was too thick for my body to get a reading.) So, we had a baseline, and then just went about the store, as we usually do, looking at what’s there and seeing what we we would like to eat, except that instead of just putting in the basket, I held the food and he tugged my arm.

I can only imagine what it must have looked like to other people seeing me being tugged around Whole Foods with food in my hands! I have to say it turned something that could be considered drudgery into a really fun game! So we bought food that seemed to agree with me and had a nice, but (because of me) simple dinner. 

I woke up less groggy than yesterday, but not better than the previous days. What was different was my digestion. It had calmed down more than it had been since I started this experiment. Now, that could have been because of a lot of reasons, one being that I have been cleaning out my system for 9+ days. I just find it interesting that it hadn’t happened, say, a couple of days ago. I did lose a pound from yesterday though, so that’s good.

I decided that it was a success, so I wanted to test what to eat for breakfast and lunch today. Unfortunately, Steve leaves very early in the morning, so I had to do it a different way. Luckily, Donna Eden has a method of self testing! Actually, she has several, but I used the one where I am effectively a pendulum. This, obviously, has the same issues as testing with a partner in that you could sabotage it easily. I did my control test again, and my “yes” and “no” were different from hers, but were consistent with me, so I went with that.

I have to say, some things surprised me. My body chose eggs (I was expecting oatmeal or some leftovers) with some rye bread with coconut butter (both chosen last night as food that would work, and both only have like 5 ingredients apiece) and some steak from last night’s dinner, but not the peas or potato, or other leftovers in the fridge. So I try other veggies in the fridge and get negatives. I need a vegetable! Then I spied the kale and grabbed that. I got a yes! Then I start preparing to cook it, when a thought pops into my head: test cooked or raw. My body said that it wanted it raw. Kale?? Raw?? While I was flailing about, my eye caught sight of the avocado that we got that had tested strong. I held them both together and got a “yes”. Well, that’s a little better. That should smooth out some of those rough edges. Because I was having so much fun, I also tested whether or not to have oil and vinegar with it, and then which kinds! The banana tested strong so I brought that too!

So, with a combination of intuition and muscle testing, I am determining my diet. I’m curious to see if there are any improvements, if things stay the same or go backwards.

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