Thursday, August 23, 2012

Diet Experiment Day 3: Frustration Sets In

I may need to rethink my strategy a bit.

After less than 3 days, I have run into obstacles with this diet/nutrition/lifestyle change. It didn’t take long, but already I am running into resistance in the form of work taking precedence, general time constraints and logistics. I’m a busy lady with a (hopefully) growing business, a significant other, friends, family and maybe even more schooling. It’s also very challenging because I am the only one in the house making these changes (or needing to make these changes) so having the right food, preparing it and not getting bored with a limited variety of foods is already beginning to pall. (You can tell I am not a natural cook.) Then a little voice says, “pushing yourself and your physical needs to the backseat was what helped get you here in the first place.”

I guess the big question is, how much do I bend either way in order to find balance?

 A large part of me knows that this is just mental resistance to change, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I think part of my trouble is that there is no set daily plan for me to mindlessly follow, telling me what to do, so I can focus on “more important things”.  I am constantly having to check in with how I feel and making changes on the fly - a very time consuming thing to someone who does not have very much available in the first place. 

Maybe that’s the key. Intellectually I know that balance in life means taking care of my body because I can’t do or enjoy anything on this Earth without it, but maybe that’s just lip service. Maybe, there is a part of me that doesn’t believe it and doesn’t want to give it the time of day. Which is effectively what I am saying when I want to focus on “more important things”. If I could truly “embody” the knowledge that my physical wellbeing is as important as my intellectual wellbeing and may even help improve it, maybe this resistance might be turned into motivation. 

So, I guess that means planning. So, I’ll make a list of the foods that will help support me in my slightly weakened state, come up with some meals for the next couple of days that might be tasty that don’t mean I have to spend hours cooking every day, go shopping and then get cooking. 

It might also be a good idea to start looking at other diet approaches to see how I might tweak things a bit in a few days. Hopefully by then, I will have a plan in place so that I’m not flailing about and coming up with lame excuses as to why I can’t do it!

P.S. - I haven’t gone off the wagon! I am still keeping to my diet. I didn’t get exhausted at all yesterday after exercising, I woke up a bit more awake this morning, and lost a little over a pound from yesterday. So overall, I’d give my improvement a 4.


  1. We seem to be on similar paths. Picking food ahead of time and making it in batches helps me a lot, and I also understand how it's a stressful (and what yet another!) obligation. I don't know your situation, but I find that personally I end up tweaking my plans too much, and that if I look closely, a lot of my reasons for wanting to do that have to do with mental (rather than truly physical) issues. Allowing the body ample time to adjust (which might mean feeling icky) can be better in the long run. My best wishes to you, Jen

  2. Thanks Jen! Giving my body more time is one of the conclusions I came to. Patience is not one of my virtues in general, but I have even less patience with my body. Only 3+ days in and I've learned A LOT about myself and some of the unconscious belief systems that still seem to be running! It appears that the Law of Attraction has not been revealed! :)
