Saturday, August 25, 2012

Diet Experiment Day 5: Improvement

Just a quick check in for today.

I haven’t made any adjustments to the diet, I’m still cooking most of the food with some raw vegetables, avoiding the foods/drinks that don’t help and putting a sort-of exercise plan together to maintain my vigorous workouts. I’m trying to eat my meals seated (Live Right For Your Type suggested that for my blood type as well as putting the fork down between bites so I’m not rushing.) and reducing the amount I eat at each meal and increasing the number of meals. This seems to be working for me, so I’ll hang here for a couple more days while I research other stuff.

For the check in. I didn’t lose any weight, but didn’t gain any either. What was probably the most notable improvement was my energy level. 

I had to get up earlier than I like (about 6:30) because I had an early morning meeting. My other half was going to wake me up as he is usually up before then, even on weekends. Well, I woke up on my own this morning, (no Steve and no alarm clock) looked at the clock and it was 6:45. Not only that, I felt rested, ready to go and, although I didn’t leap out of bed, I got up with no drama! I am NEVER ready to go before 7 am! It was the weirdest thing!

I can't say if this is more cumulative or if I have passed some sort of hurdle, but quite honestly, I don't care. It keeps me motivated to stick with it to see how much further I can go. Who knows, I may even be able to eat raw foods!

So, weight loss: 0, energy and motivation: 7.

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